What’s Needed for the Middle East?

The puzzle of the Middle East persists after centuries.  Peace continues elusive. How ironic that the birth place of Western religion should persist at war!

Other than the return of the Prince of Peace, what’s needed?

As Americans, we might say the need is democracy. I think the first requirement is justice. But what constitutes justice in such complex situations? Even the definitions of justice vary. One must be specific for each instance, and the ramifications of various solutions may have unintended consequences. And how can the various solutions be implemented? Is there any role for the US, which, of necessity, pursues its own national interest?

I will begin next week with analysis of the need/role for justice in the little Gulf state of Kuwait, the country with which I am most familiar. Even in Kuwait, it’s complicated.

At some point I’ll get around to the matter of occupied Palestine, but I’m not ready for that yet.

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