All Faith Soil
Middle East Story
MY first book, FAITH IN CRISIS, tells the story of our family’s struggles during the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. My Islamic Conflict Trilogy is ready to read: KUWAITI SEEKER, HOT SPOT, and PRINCE OF THE SAND. All these books are only $5.
Why the US Fails in the Middle East
We have attempted “Nation Building” in the Middle East. Our efforts have failed, to a greater degree in Afghanistan, and to a lesser degree in Iraq.
Neither of these efforts were short of blood and treasure. What was lacking? History shows it was a failure of understanding and method.
More than 100 years ago, TE Lawrence figured it out. He put together a ragtag group of Hashemite Arab Bedouins under their leader, Faisal. And together they defeated the Turks in Arabia and Syria.
The British government was so impressed with Lawrence’s results that they asked him to record his methodology for posterity. What came out of that request was a brief rendition by Lawrence, called 27 Articles.
In summary, the following are the important details.
The first and decisive principle in these articles was to develop a high level of knowledge about the culture. Get to know the people. Don’t try to achieve too much to fast.
Second, work with the existing political system. Don’t pick the political winners.
Third, advise, don’t manage. Foster local political stability.
Fourth, never give orders. Advise and stay behind the leader. Allow them to stand on their own feet.
Fifth, try not to be noticed. Adopt the dress habits and manners of the locals.
Did we ever employ these techniques? Of course not. We’re Americans.
An addendum: Although Lawrence did not have Christian mission in mind, these articles might be useful in missiological endeavors.
My thanks to John Hulsman for his introduction to 27 Articles, explicating Lawrence’s ideas.